You are welcome however to sign up again and create another affiliate link to try other avenues of promotion. * If there has been no traffic/unique visitors to Apple Valley Natural Soap through your affiliate link for 10 consecutive months, your account will be deactivated and deleted. If we are unable to approve your affiliate account right away, let us know a little more about how you plan to promote our products and we will revisit your request. If a relationship between your promotional actives and our store is a good fit, we're excited to have you aboard. ** We'd love to approved everyone, but unfortunately that is currently not possible due to limited affiliate space. You can use the REGISTER button above to log in to your account.) (If you have already registered with us as an affiliate, * Link to a specific product or page and spread the news.

* Once approved**, add banners and shopping links to your blog, website or social media.

* Your affiliate request will be reviewed. * We offer competitive tiered commissions on all sales with a 365 day tracking period to our affiliates. * You’ll earn commission starting at 6% on all Apple Valley Natural Soap sales generated through your links. * Track every sale through your own dashboard. * Every time someone clicks on that link and purchases something, you earn a commission on that sale. * If you are active with social media, have a web site or blog, you can post links to AVNS and promote our products. What is an Ambassador or Affiliate Program and is it right for me? Apple Valley Natural Soap's Ambassador/Affiliate Program is an opportunity for you to promote organic, cruelty-free, vegan, gluten free, non-toxic products to your audience and earn commissions on generated sales.