Each part of your name (first, middle, last) may not exceed 20 characters. Such content will be removed from World of Olympians immediately and reprimanded. Users may not post content that is offensive, harmful, hateful, or possibly triggering.

You are not allowed to post links that direct to pornographic material. Disregard for these rules will lead to the expulsion of Camp Half-Blood. The users are not allowed to bully each other, write in a derogatory or offensive manner, or treat others in a foul way. This is achieved by joining one of the four cluster cabins and engaging in various activities offered by the site. The purpose of World of Olympians is meeting other Percy Jackson enthusiasts of all ages and immersing in the universe of World of Olympians. Ugly Mule: Target titanspawn and other supernatural creatures with a lower Legend than yourself with any of the lower Boons.STARTING RULES To be a user on World of Olympians, you MUST be at least 13 years years old in real life or older.Upside-Down Horse: Absorb a mortal bodily into yourself in order to utilize specific skills or knowledge.Met Tet's Claim: Claim a mortal as yours, forcing anyone else using Cheval Boons on that mortal to contest your claim.Team: Use Horse on multiple targets at the same time.Met Tet: Become incorporeal and ride around in the target's body.